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USAREUR • US Army, Europe

Time and Mileage Chart

Choose your starting point from the cities listed below. The chart shows distances and time between major cities in USAREUR.

Miles/Kilometers Conversion Chart

From Heidelberg

Mileage and time are for travel from city center to city center. They reflect the quickest route frome one place to another assuming the following average speeds:

Autobahns, motorways, autoroutes: 75 mph
120 km/h
Four-lane divided highways: 55 mph
90 km/h
Primary two-lane roads: 40 mph
65 km/h
Back roads: 35 mph
55 km/h
Ansbach 106 1:32
Bamberg 159 2:19
Baumholder 84 1:17
Brussels 276 3:53
Chièvres 299 4:20
Frankfurt 57 0:52
Garmisch 254 3:42
Grafenwöhr 187 2:52
Kaiserslautern 52 0:51
Livorno 543 7:27
Mannheim 11 0:14
Munich 205 3:00
Schinnen 203 2:49
Schweinfurt 128 1:56
Stuttgart 78 1:11
Vicenza 479 6:33
Wiesbaden 60 0:58

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