USAREUR • US Army, Europe
Important DSN Numbers for USAG Benelux
The Country Code for Belgium is 32. To reach the following military numbers from a civilian telephone in Belgium, dial the civilian access number and and then the last four digits of the DSN number:
Chièvres | 361 | 068-27-XXXX |
SHAPE | 423 | 065-44-XXXX |
- APOs
- Chièvres
- 361-5447
- 423-5164
- Auto Craft Shop
- 361-5796
- Army Community Service
- 423-5324
- Bank
- 423-5517
- Bowling Alley
- 423-5696
- Chapels
- Chièvres
- 361-5575
- 423-6066
- Clinic (SHAPE)
- 423-5841
- Clubs
- SHAPE Club
- 423-4133
- Prime Time Lounge
- 361-6245
- Patriot Snack Bar
- 361-6268
- Commissary
- 361-5455
- Education Center
- 423-3466
- Fitness Centers
- Chièvres
- 361-5623
- 423-5345
- Lodge Chièvres
- 361-6711
- Housing Offices
- Chièvres
- 361-5477
- 423-5345
- Library
- Chièvres
- 361-5767
- 423-5631
- PX
- 361-5100
- SatoTravel (Civilian Number)
- 068-657119
- Schools
- Elementary
- 423-5718
- High School
- 423-5715
- Tricare Service Center
- 423-5837
- Youth Center
- 423-5613
Car Sales
Pre-owned cars, locations in Germany and Italy
Car/Vehicle Insurance
Insurance for US Military, BFG and other NATO forces
DoD Contractors/
ID Card Holders - Business & Employment Advice
Business consulting for DOD contractors and ID card holders
Pet Shipping
Pet Transport and Relocation Experts
Getting Married in Denmark
Marry Abroad Simply
Living in Germany
A Guide to Living and Working in Germany