Hohenfels has been declared an enduring location by USAREUR, and should be around as a post after the current transformation program is completed. The area is part of the hilly, sparsely populated "Upper Palatinate Jura" uplands of mixed coniferous and deciduous forests. The name Hohenfels, meaning "High Rock," refers to the elevated location of a former castle built by a noble in the 10th century.
USAG Hohenfels is the home of the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC), which provides realistic and demanding training for U.S. Army task forces stationed in Europe as well as units from a multitude of Allied nations. The Hohenfels community is continually growing, with a commissary, exchange, child development center, youth center, elementary school and high school, plus many more projects underway.
For further information check USAG Hohenfels' website at
Facilities and Services
Sports and Recreation
The Fitness Center has a well-trained staff, convenient hours of operation, locker rooms and a full array of fitness equipment. Outdoor Recreation offers economical ski trips and packages to ski resorts in Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France and the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in southern Bavaria. The worldwide United Service Organization (USO) sells tickets to concerts and other special events in and around Germany.
There is always something exciting going on at the Lane 17 Bowling Center. Join a bowling league or just come in and enjoy the food in the lounge. The center is also available for party rentals. Stop by the Mahlzeit Biergarten located off of the lounge for that authentic German feel.
Health Services
The clinic provides general outpatient care, sick call and routine appointments for Active-Duty and Family Members. Retirees and their family members are seen on a space available basis. Available through the facility are well-woman and well-baby examinations, immunization clinic, laboratory, x-ray, pharmacy services, minor surgical procedures, minor trauma, and physical exams for flight, job and routine purposes. The Dental Clinic works to ensure dental readiness, promote dental health and provide dental care for America's Army in the Hohenfels community. Veterinary Services include animal disease prevention and control, issuance of health certificates and vaccinations.
Hohenfels has both an elementary school (pre-K-6) and a middle/high school (grades 7-12).
Community Services
The Army Community Service (ACS) center offers various programs and services for soldiers, civilians and family members; parent education classes, financial maintenance classes, relocation information and support, mobilization and deployment support, employment services, Army Emergency Relief (AER) and volunteer programs. Child Development Services provides full service, center-based child care, the Family Child Care (FCC) program, the School Age Services (SAS) program and respite child care for service members in pay grade E-4 and below. Youth Services operates a sports and fitness program for organized seasonal sports. Volunteers are an integral part of every community. Volunteer experience offers great potential for self-fulfillment and may also be reflected on resumes for future job employment.
The Chapel offers a comprehensive religious program geared toward meeting the needs of a unique community. Your Chapel staff can provide information about it.
There are active scouting programs for both boys and girls. They advertise and recruit members through the schools, libraries, youth activity centers, media and various other institutions.
Better Opportunities for Single Servicemembers (BOSS)
This program is designed to bring single members' quality of life in line with their married counterparts. Billets afford them more living space so they may decorate to their own tastes and include amenities such as floor kitchenettes, private facilities, fitness equipment and government furnishings. It also involves single personnel in recreational travel and community help programs.
The Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) has a retail store, service station, shoppettes, pick-up point, military clothing sales, video store, Class Six beverage shop, food court, laundromat, alterations shop, movie theater and barber and beauty shops. The Hohenfels commissary offers features usually found only at larger commissaries, including a deli, a bakery and a large produce section. There also are franchised restaurants such as Burger King and Popeye's Chicken. The "Warrior Hill" video rental provides old and new videos, video games and selected CDs.
The Turnbull Library is fully automated and is ranked as one of the largest libraries in USAREUR. The library staff is on hand to help you with your research needs and individual appointments are available. The library has a wide selection of DVDs, VHS tapes and computers for use.
Transient Lodging
The Sunrise Lodge transient lodging facility offers affordable and comfortable alternatives to local hotels and pensions.
Army Post Office (APO)
The Army Post Office (APO) is a full-service facility, providing parcel service and transport of all classes of mail from priority to express. It also transports mail for free from APO to APO when "MPS" is written in the upper right corner of envelopes and packages.
The Community Banks offers full service banking. Automatic teller machines (ATMs) offer 24-hour service for deposits and withdrawals from both checking and savings accounts.
Auto Craft Shop
The Auto Craft Shop offers assistance in performing automotive maintenance and repair. Equipment, tools and trained mechanics make everything, from charging a battery to major overhauls, possible at great cost savings.
Arts and Crafts Center
The Arts & Crafts Center is available to take care of all your crafting needs. It has a fully operational woodshop, framing area and hobby shop. Classes are available for framing and to earn a woodshop safety card.
Guest House
The Sunrise Lodge offers affordable and comfortable alternatives to local hotels and pensions.

Car Sales

Pre-owned cars, locations in Germany and Italy
Car/Vehicle Insurance

Insurance for US Military, BFG and other NATO forces
DoD Contractors/
ID Card Holders - Business & Employment Advice

Business consulting for DOD contractors and ID card holders
Pet Shipping

Pet Transport and Relocation Experts
Getting Married in Denmark

Marry Abroad Simply
Living in Germany

A Guide to Living and Working in Germany