USAREUR • US Army, Europe
Important DSN Numbers for USAG Hohenfels
The DSN prefix for Hohenfels is 466. To reach the following military numbers from a civilian telephone in Germany, dial 09472-83 and then the last four digits of the DSN number.
Hohenfels | 466 | 09472-83-XXXX |
- 466-2887
- Army Community Service
- 466-4860
- Auto Skills Center
- 466-2690
- Bowling Alley
- 466-4611
- Chapel
- 466-1570
- Child Development Center
- 476-4706
- Clinic
- 466-1750
- Commissary
- 466-2630
- Community Bank
- 466-2856
- Education Center
- 466-2882
- Guest House
- 466-1700
- Gymnasium
- 466-2883
- Housing Office
- 466-2681
- Legal Assistance
- 466-2401
- Outdoor Recreation
- 466-2060
- PX
- 466-2640
- SatoTravel (Civilian number)
- 09472-9111-0
- Schools
- Elementary School
- 466-2829
- High School
- 466-4300
- TKS Customer Service (0.20 Eur/call)
- 01804-857 762
- Tricare Service Center
- 466-4528
To download a pdf file of the Hohenfels Phone Book click on this link:
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