USAREUR • US Army, Europe
Important DSN Phone Numbers for USAG Vicenza
The Country Code for Italy is 39. The DSN prefix for Vicenza is 634. To reach the following military numbers from a civilian telephone, dial 0444-71 and then the last four digits of the DSN number. To call post information, dial 113 from on-post or 0444-71-7111 from off post. Do not hang up if you do not hear a dial tone immediately.
Vicenza | 634 | 0444-71-XXXX |
- Army Community Service
- 634-7500
- Army Post Office
- 634-7430
- Art Center
- 634-7074
- Auto Skills Center
- 634-7014
- Banks
- 634-7221
- Global Credit Union
- 634-7470
- Community Bank
- 634-6445
- Bowling Center
- 634-7013
- Chapel
- 634-7519
- Child and Youth Services
- 634-7206
- Club Veneto
- 634-7997
- Commissary
- 634-7997
- Ederle Inn
- 634-8034
- Ederle Lanes
- 634-7013
- Education Center
- 634-8933
- Fitness Center
- 634-7616
- Housing Office
- 634-8583
- Legal Assistance
- 634-7041
- Library
- 634-7291
- Outdoor Recreation
- 634-7453
- PX
- 634-8550
- SatoTravel (Civilian number)
- 0444-303014
- Schools
- Elementary School
- 634-7710
- Middle/High School
- 634-7374
- Soldiers' Theatre
- 634-7281
- Sports & Fitness Center
- 634-7009
- Tricare Service Center
- 634-8304/7294
- Youth Services Center
- 634-7741
Car Sales
Pre-owned cars, locations in Germany and Italy
Car/Vehicle Insurance
Insurance for US Military, BFG and other NATO forces
DoD Contractors/
ID Card Holders - Business & Employment Advice
Business consulting for DOD contractors and ID card holders
Pet Shipping
Pet Transport and Relocation Experts
Getting Married in Denmark
Marry Abroad Simply
Living in Germany
A Guide to Living and Working in Germany